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Close account

We don´t want you to leave

If you still want to close the account Make sure the following:

When you send the request to close the account, we will send you a message to the email address you have registered within 24/48 hours to confirm that we have received it. Normally, the accounts are slow to close from 1 to 3 days from the date of receipt of the application.

However, if you have a pending delivery order we will keep the account open properly and so that we can meet our obligations with all buyers.

Elapsed the entire process, the account will be closed permanently and your data will be deleted. If you change your mind and decide to keep your account, you have 7 days from the day of cancellation to request your reopening. Keep in mind that the account reopening option is only available if your account was up to date when it was closed.

For security reasons, you can not transpare your Mokko account to another person. However, you can add a secondary contact to the account.

Once we have closed the account, we will send you an email to the registered address to inform you. If you want to use Mokko again, you will have to create a new account.

Circumstances that prevent the closure of an account and elimination of personal data

We can not close an account or delete the associated data if the following circumstances are given:

• You have pending transactions (ie, outstanding payments shipping delivery).
• Data related to the account should be retained to detect, prevent, mitigate or investigate illegal or fraudulent activities.
• Data related to accounts should be kept due to certain reasons according to current legislation.
• A public health problem has occurred.
• Mokko is forced to conserve certain data as a result of a citation or any other judicial / legal order it receives.

Account information